Financing the Purchase of Your Property in Cyprus
Chacholis has strong relationships with all the major banks in Cyprus.
Our staff will guide you through every step of the process,
assisting you with the granting of your loan.
Our aim is to reduce the costs of your property’s financing,
as well as to make the application process as fast led light bulbs for home and easy as possible.
When Cybarco recommends you to a local bank for the financing of your property,
the chances of rejection are virtually non-existent.
Documents/Information required by the banks:
1. Customer profile (personal details, occupation, duration of your employment contract
if applicable).
2. Passport copies (photograph & personal information pages).
3. Statement of existing debt (if applicable).
4. A reference letter from the bank with which you have an account.
5. Completion of the Declaration of Personal Income form.
6. Evidence of income (either pay slip or confirmation of remuneration from your employer or any
other similar form of evidence).
7. Purchase agreement.
8. Copies of bank statements for the last three months.
9. Copies of payments already made by the applicant for the property. |